Hegen PCTO™ Express-Store-Feed single container system
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- By Karen Yuen
- Posted in easy to clean, Hegen, milk bottle, teat

Why Hegen PCTO™ Basic Starter Kit is “the one”?
The journey of breastfeeding your newborn can be physically exhausting and mentally draining, from pumping to storage. To reduce wastage and loss of precious nutrients from milk, choosing a well-designed bottle system that smoothens the breastfeeding process, is crucial to foster a positive mother-baby bonding experience. Let baby enRoute and its selection carefully chosen product transform your motherhood experience!
Seamless transition from pumping to storage with minimal wastage and oxidation of your nutritious milk. Mum can express using Hegen PCTO™ Manual Breast Pump that instantly transfers milk from the pump into an air-tight storage container for storage, then attaches the storage lid inside a chiller or a storage bag. The entire process takes place within a single container that minimizes spillage, making every drop of mummy’s delicious liquid gold count!
Super Soft elliptical-shaped Silicone Teat mimics the feeling of a mother’s natural breast to promote the easy transition from breastfeeding to bottle. This minimizes nipple confusion and makes it easier to combine breast and bottle feeding.
Asymmetrical, off-center teats allow for a natural upright feeding position similar to feeding on the breast or tilted bottles. This mitigates the risk of milk back-flows and reduces the chances of mid-ear complications.
Smart Build-in Anti-Colic Air Vent System bypasses the milk to prevent aeration, minimizing the oxidation of precious nutrients. This reduces excessive air intake, preventing the baby’s tummy from getting upset.
Revolutionary One Hand Closure is the world’s first patented no screw thread closure; The Hegen Press-to-Close, twist-to-Open, PCTO innovation allows the bottle to be pressed on and twisted off conveniently with no spillage. When juggling crying babies, getting the milk bottle to babies’ mouths in time is not a small feat! With Hegen’s PCTO design, preparing bottles only takes 2 seconds!
Hassle-Free cleaning with Hegen’s signature squarely design! The smooth interior surface along with wide bottle opening makes cleaning exceptionally quick and easy.
Snap-On Interconnecting Storage Lids allow multiple containers to bind together effortlessly, instantly converting bottles into an organized milk storage system. These binding features also allow up 6 containers to be carried at once, A time saver for sure!
Long-lasting, multi-function design of the bottles can give these mummy helpers a second life by converting the teats to storage lids or spouts. Mummies can use them as snack containers or water bottles, zero waste!
So what are you waiting for? Come by the store or order online for these amazing bottles!